Tuesday, October 04, 2011

One Drop of Warer

One Drop of Water

A cold drop of water fell from the sky from a black rain cloud. In slow motion it splashed on a rock as many more followed. The drops of water turned into a rain storm and flowed down the rocks into the running stream. The swift current of the stream spilled into a river, then ran the course until it ended at the waterfall. The water crashed down the sides of the tall walls of rock spilling into another large body of water. To think it all started from one drop of water from a black rain cloud.
One drop of water that changed into one salty tear fell from my eye. In slow motion it slid down my cheek as many more followed. The tears turned into streams as many more slid down my face and I cried out in pain. The tears seemed never ending like the waterfall. I tried to wipe them away but still they fell filling me with a sadness that only grew. Would this unhappy feeling that was like a large body of water consume me and never end?
Storms cease and once again the sun shines down upon the land. I’m waiting for my storm to pass and long again for the warmth of the sun to dry the tears and warm my cold heart. I sit here alone where no one can see the tears that trickle down from my eyes until they flow like a river into a cascading waterfall spilling down into a larger pool of water.
One drop of water and one tear, all started with a dark storm cloud.

Donna Spencer
Donna’s Magic Pen
September 23, 2011

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