Friday, January 05, 2007

As a Writer....

As a writer first we take baby steps and fall down. Sometimes we feel more comfortable crawling than getting back up and trying again. As a writer I want to walk, and even more I want to hold out my arms, take one giant leap, and soar up into the brilliant blue sky. I dream the elusive dream of taking hold of the rainbow colored kite’s tail and swooping and swirling for all to perceive with wondering eyes. I want the sun’s rays to reflect like a prism and show the dazzling brightness of the kite itself. When people catch their first glimpse and turn their head for a better look, I want them to remember this gliding creation that soars high above the trees and landscape. I want them to look upon it as not just a thing of beauty, but also as a simple kite that was made pleasing to the eye by the loving care it took putting it all together.

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